Beach Break

It has taken almost a month of effort, a month of changed plans, 2 weekends of stomach bug, a weekend of family activities, and a weekend too busy to think.  Finally we could have our beach break.

Boy Howdy {name that movie} we needed the beach break, or I needed the beach break.  We needed the long walk with the big kid, the laughs with O, the quiet dig a giant hole and make a drip castle with #3,  Number 4 needed to build, destroy, run and skim board,  while the 2 little girls needed to laugh, squeal, jump and run.  We needed the quiet, no plans, just breath beach time.

As I sat in my chair with the waves lapping my feet, trying to stay awake, I listened to E hum~sing praises to GOD, I listened to the boys lay out territory and discuss plans, I listened to the princess talk about nothing but everything, I listened as A sang and squealed with the waves.  Keith took the biggest for a long walk, they both came back laughing.  It was a wonderful 2 1/2 hours of breathing.

We needed the escape.
One of the children was right when they said ” even though it was a short visit it was better than anything we could have done at home”

DSCN3362E and ADSCN3366His serious face left after a few minutes of breathing.DSCN3367The Big one before he broke out in chase the sister into the water mode.DSCN3369Contemplating life?  Or just how far they will walk?DSCN3377Before she parked herself in her beach chair, she attempted to dig with the little girls.DSCN3382AhhhhDSCN3391Busy doing nothing at all.DSCN3392Little A decided pouring water on my legs and feet would be fun.DSCN3405build, destroy, build, destroy, build, destroyDSCN3407Drip castleDSCN3412Can she be any cuter?DSCN3432Discussing territoryDSCN3435“Next time it will be much bigger”

We found a, new to us, beach, the sand was soft but just under the water the shells hurt their feet.
I would not know, I never left my beach chair once I sat in it.

What about you?
Did you get a chance to just breath and enjoy your family this weekend?
Go hug your kids, life is just too short.

A Mouse in the House

One Sunday afternoon, I was sitting with all my bow making materials spread out in front of me.  R was on the corner end of the dining room table and O was sitting on the comfy chair behind me.  She was telling me about the American River Otter, this has been her favorite animal since she was a small child.  From the river otter she moved on to sharing about goats.  She told me that in captivity goats can live to be 17 years, they reach sexual maturity at 1 year.  To which R replied “that is really early to have the talk”

O was telling J something, I mentioned that Grandma and Pow were going there.  To which R replied “what?”  Little A answered back “D’ rama don’t you listen?”

On the Long in back short in front style of dresses and shirts.
Keith was looking at the target ad this week.  He said “Something is wrong with her dress, or with the picture, check it out”  nope honey THAT is the style…

When ever little A is asked to do something she does not want to do she responds “but I’m tiny, you are big, you can do it, but I am tiny.” cracks us up every time.  {BTW she does what we ask, with protest}

A little PSA to the old man it Aeropostale,  keep your eyes on your wife, not that hot lady with glitter words on her girls.  She is too young and out of your league, you should be happy your wife puts up with you and your wandering eyes.  Creeper!

Every morning I drag my tired self up out of bed to wake my cheerful kids…  On Friday night as we were getting into bed Keith was holding the clock and said “I don’t think we have anything we need to set the alarm for this weekend, we can sleep in as long as we want”  I replied “yeah right 7am is not sleeping in”  Nope but 7am would have been sleeping in, the bull frogs at our pool are calling out to find a mate.  The slimy frogs woke E and J who were sleeping on the couch because they had the stomach bug again.  I’ll let you digest that sentence, they were sleeping on the couch because they had the stomach bug AGAIN… AGAIN. Sigh.  So at 5:50 they woke up because of the frogs, and felt the need to wake me to tell me they thought they heard frogs.  I stumbled to the family room and listened.  Sure enough frogs.  Being the great mother that I am, I flipped on the tv and went back to bed.  As I climbed into bed little A woke up.  So I pulled her into our bed trying to convince her that it was still night.  Nope she did not fall for it.  So on this last Saturday I was up before a normal school day.  Sunday morning they were all up before 6 again.  I was ready for school on Monday so I could sleep until 6:30.

I went up stairs to check on E and her hives, as I was walking up the stairs I jumped a few feet in the air and somehow managed not to scream like a middle school girl…  This is what I saw. DSCN3328Do you see it?DSCN3327A MOUSE
Yes I know it is a stuffed mouse
When you are running up the stairs during the Duck Dynasty commercial break,
and you see that,
you think it is real…

Well played child who left the stuffed mouse out.
Well played.

Thank you IKEA for making stuffed mice.

Hug your kids and laugh at the stuffed mouse in your life.

Hives are Fun or NOT

100_1673“Mom my back itches”
“I’m sorry honey don’t scratch”
“Mom my back really itches”
“Mom my back itches”
“show me your back honey”
{lifts up shirt and turns around}
“Yikes I bet it itches.”

Hives are fun… Or not.

Tonight while I was making yummy friend chicken, mashed potatoes AND gravy. {Because, when I was making the menu earlier in the month Keith specifically asked for that meal, no veggies, no fruit, just meat, potatoes, and gravy.  I did make a spinach salad because that is what I wanted}  Anyway, while I was making that yummy meal, E was sitting on the basket of blankets in my room playing starfall, a math and phonics game on the computer.  She told me about the itches, like every busy mother frying chicken and making dinner, I only half listened.  She kept telling me until she had my attention.  There were hives all over her back.

At dinner my sister commented about the hive on her eye, I had E come to me to check her better, the hives had moved to her stomach.  We kept eating knowing that as soon as dinner was done I would need to run out to get Benadryl for her.  As the meal progressed they moved up her stomach and back.  As I was leaving to get the meds, she said “my leg hurts” sure enough they were on her leg.  I spoke with the pharmacist and the pediatrician, came home to give her the meds, and they were up her neck.
After 20 minutes on the Benadryl they were on her arms and in her ear.
After 45 minutes they were in her hair.

It is looking like it will be a long night at our house.  I know to call 911 if they get near her mouth, if her tongue starts to itch, or her throat feels funny.  So, I am watching closely.  She is even getting to stay up past bed time, and you all know I am thrilled about that.

I took pictures but she does NOT want them posted.   I am tempted to use a washable marker and circle them so I can track the growth and patterning of the hives.  But she does not want me to “marker her up”  I am sitting next to a giggly, itchy, silly little girl.

At any rate… she informed me that “hives are not fun, mom”  I’m sorry sweetie.

Go hug your kids, and listen to their school stories.  They have something to tell you, even if it is only “my back itches”


p.s. after 1 hour on Benadryl they have stopped popping up.  And the Benadryl is NOT making her sleepy, or tired, or quiet, only making her more wound up.  My friend LK gave her daughter Benadryl, and found her jumping off the top bunk of her bunk bed.  So not the typical results from the meds.  Looks like E is not typical either.

P.s. 2  That is obviously not a picture of her covered in hives.  But as she said “basically this blog is about me”  I decided to include a sweet picture of my girl.

An Owl Fund Raiser and a Meeting with a Lawyer

Okay so all of my readers know that my sweet sister is in the process of adopting a baby girl.
How is that going you ask?
Frankly I am tired of waiting…
Oh I know that GOD has a plan.
I know that GOD’s PLAN is perfect, holy, right and exactly what we truly want.  But I am just tired of waiting.  We {or Ellen} has been on the list F.O.R.E.V.E.R.  ok again not really forever but for over a year.  I am ready to smell fresh bathed baby, to feel the weight of a totally relaxed baby, and to listen to her sigh in contentment as she sleeps.  I am ready.  Ellen is ready.  My kids are ready.
Earlier this week Ellen was watching one of her friends little baby for a few hours.  She brought her over to my house for us to play with.  As Ellen came to the door little A saw her approaching with an infant seat.  She yanked the door open and ran back into the house so excited yelling “Poosie got her baby!”  She was over the top excited.  After we told her who the baby belonged to (J’s 2nd grade teacher) she sat down and got right in her face to talk to her.  The kids took turns holding, talking and snuggling her.  Keith held her and talked to her.  Yes the whole family is ready.

Ellen is meeting TODAY with a lawyer, looking into other options to get her name out there for someone to find her.  So Pray at 4pm today that the meeting will go well, that the lawyer will have helpful information for her, and that every thing is clear and easy.

You all know about the Ellen’s Adoption Yard Sale that we had in March, you all know that everything she makes with Thirty~One is for her adoption fund.  Yet she still is not yet financially over the marker that she has placed for her adoption.  One of our friends offered to host an ORIGAMI OWL party for Ellen to put more money in her adoption fund.

What is Origami Owl you ask?  They are the cutest lockets/charms/necklaces.  You can personalize the lockets with charms.  And this sweet friend offered to do a fund-raiser for Ellen and baby girl.  When you go to the site check out the story of the company, a 14-year-old girl started this company.  They family is inspiring.  It is a great company to work for if you decide you love it enough to work for them PLEASE contact Tonya and let her know!

I am excited because I am getting a locket I am letting each child pick out a charm to go in the locket.  These are PERFECT for mother’s day.  {If your husband or child needs a hint have them read this blog, ***IF YOUR WIFE OR MOTHER SENT YOU HERE TODAY SHE WANTS THIS LOCKET NECKLACE CHARM! ORIGAMI OWL SET***  Go ask her what she likes and order it!  Big gift giving points if you do!}

Anyway I am getting the silver locket with sparkles around the edges and letting each child choose a charm that represents them.  The larger locket holds 8~12 charms.  Perfect!   One girl at the party got a chain and initials for her mom for mother’s day.  Sweet little letter charms.  It is adorable.Here is the links and information.  I am telling you these are the sweetest gifts.

 Here you go!

1. Go to
2. Create an account (very simple)
3. Place your order
4. At checkout choose to order on Ellen’s  party!
That’s it!
Let me know if you need any help.
She will be closing it out by Thursday.

Again if you can’t or don’t want to order don’t worry about it but PRAY!

PRAY that Ellen will be the mommy God wants her to be.

PRAY for baby girl, she is the exact baby God has chosen for our family.

PRAY that baby girl will see God’s hand in her life.

PRAY for that birth mother who has a choice to make.

Keep passing out Ellen’s information on her adoption so that someplace someone will see her and choose her.  You might be the key to baby girl getting her Mommy, and aunts, and uncles, and cousins, and grand parents who cannot wait to play with her, snuggle her, read to her, talk to her, and love on her.

So check out the link, pray for Ellen, and like always Go hug your kids, life is just too short to miss a chance to sniff their head and squeeze their squirmy little bodies.


Here is the link to Ellen’s profile.  If you know of any woman who is considering adoption please point them to this link.  We would love to have a match for our family.  And how exciting to know that one of my blog friends was responsible for making my sister’s family.

P.S. apparently the link is not connecting on this blog PLEASE go to the top link and the link on that page is working… Stupid computer!

Time is Short

Yesterday I was reminded just how very short time is.

I went to the funeral, of the son, of my classmate.
I took family vacations with her family.
I was in her wedding.
I was excited to get his birth announcement.
He was one of Keith’s students.
We celebrated his graduation.
He was tragically killed this weekend in a car accident.

I am stunned.
I am in shock.
I am so sad.

We all are.  I contacted our group of friends.
I contacted as many classmates as I could.
We are all stunned
We are all in shock
We are all sad.

This hits too close to home.
This is our lives,
our friends,
this is us.

The funeral was a sweet reminder of the fact that he loved Jesus, he is in heaven today because he accepted Jesus free gift of salvation.  He will be missed.  A lot.
His funeral was heartfelt and heart wrenching.
It was sweet and sad.

He was a happy, never met a stranger, loved a good laugh, wanted to please and help people.

I cannot imagine his mother’s deep sorrow, his father’s grief, and his brother or sister’s loneliness.

Time is just too short.

Check your priorities.

Tell your family you love them.

Hug then, kiss them, and laugh with them.

Time is just too short

Uncharted Territory

We are stepping into uncharted territory.

A place we we’ve been before, but this time it is different.

It seems to be a little scary and a lot overwhelming.

We are beginning to seriously look into colleges.

We are beginning to look at degrees offered, and tuition, and fees, and campus life, and meal plans, and dorm arrangements, and, and, and.  It is a big deal.

The child has decided to major in cinematography.  The university of his first choice only accepts 60 total students into the program each year.  They take in 20 transfer students and 40 new students each year.  He needs a choice 2 and a choice 3.

We began crunching numbers last night.

Numbers that are big, and numbers that are bigger.  He has already eliminated choice #2.  That was just too expensive.  And not high on my list.  He has to look for some more choices now.

We will be making a few quick college tour trips.  Meeting a few financial aid coordinators and checking out places we might get to know really well.

I will be buying the scholarship application book.  We will be spending some money on stamps so we can save a lot of money on tuition.

I will keep you posted on the steps we are taking.  I know many of you are coming behind.  Hopefully we learn enough this time through that we can save even more the next few times we do this application process.

In the mean time… If you know of any scholarships that are available let me know.  We’ll get right on that.  Or if you know of a great college we should look into, please let me know.  Or if one of my readers just wants to pay for his tuition and board that would be great!

So before you turn around hug the kids, kiss them and remind them you love them.  Because it just goes by so fast.


Simon Says

You know the game
Simon Says
Well this is a bit like that only this is C & O SAYS.
Does not sound the same… But it is the same idea.
{why must we obey Simon? Was he a bully? Was he a first-born, it was just better obey him? Was he just a natural leader?  What is it about that Simon that makes us jump and rub our bellies before we step out of line and have to sit on the side lines?}


C & O says
You never put us in your blog
{I do}
We did something fun this weekend
Put that in your blog.

This weekend, Saturday to be exact, I was on a mission to get that other project done.  I left the kids with O in charge {Little A had not yet gotten sick} I went to Home Depot {not a fan, not a fan} and then to my in-laws.  “Where are the kids?” they asked.  hummm, good question.  I should have brought them along.
{note to self always bring a grand kid to the grand’s house}

After I left my in-laws still frustrated, I made a stop at Publix we were having tacos for dinner.  The kids are fans of tacos, the husband not so much.  He would rather not eat them.  Something about stomach hurts after… Wimp.

I arrived home to both C & O racing from the back of the house, jumping on me, yelling “NO”  and “don’t look” with hands in my face and bumping me over, I pushed through and saw E, J and little A pop out of my room.  I set the groceries down, as I back pedaled towards the door.  “Please come back in a little bit”  or “don’t you have anything else to do some place else?  “Go get a Starbucks, go to Target, just GO”

Doing what any good mom would do I said “Ok” and walked out the front door.  Then I took my camera from my purse and went to the back of the house where the mischief makers were at work.  I quick snapped a picture, which did not turn out.  I tried again but O who is part monkey jumped in front of the camera I was able to snap quite a few unflattering pictures of her.

Finally let back in my house the 2 mischief makers had rearranged the family room.  They were quite proud of the changes they made in there.  I just laughed and told them it has to go back.  Part of the couch blocks the stairs to the girls room, and it sticks out in a weird way in the entry to the family room.  But for fear of what the mischief makers would do to me I left it.

Keith just smirked when he came home to see the room all different.

{I have yet to put it back… too lazy}

After dinner while most of us were still sitting around the table talking, and watching the YouTube video.  K Mart “ship my pants” {If you have NO sense of humor do not go watch it, but if you need a good laugh and are not easily offended check it out, I was laughing so hard it was beyond cackle and more like tears running down my face.  My friend AM sent it to me, I was crying from laughter when I saw it the first time.  If you hate it… well I am sorry.  R was offended that I found it so humorous, C & O, both up to no good, also, found it very amusing}

Any way, the blog came up, and they wanted to know why I mentioned little A’s stomach issues but failed to mention their furniture arrangement.

So again C & O says…
Simon says…
“You never write about us.”
“Why don’t you write about us.”
So C & O I hope you are happy!
At least I did not have to
Simon says pat your head
Simon says jump on your left foot
no your right foot.
you’re OUT

????????Thick as Thieves these two.

There you have it C & O, not that you actually read this blog anyway.
A whole post just about the two of you.

What about you?  Did anyone rearrange your house this weekend?
Go hug your kids and watch your back, you never know what they are up to.

Paint Project Reveal

Paint Party
Like I promised on Friday I all give the paint project reveal for you today.DSCN3251Safe Harbor {Olympic} from Lowe’s

Keith and R left around 10am on Friday for their camping field trip.  C had a chiropractor appointment at 10am. I was struggling with a good attitude, since I had to run to Publix to get lunch stuff for Keith and R, then I had to run C to the chiropractor, and all I wanted to do was run to Lowes and get paint to get this party started!  When we finished at the chiropractor, C talked me into taking him to Chick~fil~a for lunch.

Finally purchased the paint, with my yummy C~F~A sweet tea I was ready to paint.  I might have led little A to believe she could help me paint.  She wanted a paint brush so I let her buy one of the foam brushes under a dollar.  The whole way home she kept talking about “paint at school” for the set.  {she really loved it}  I may have said, “after your nap you can paint with mommy.”

As soon as she laid down for her nap, I whipped out the tape and began taping the room off as fast as I could.  I only had 2 hours of time to get it done before carline pick~up {which I missed, thanks Ellen for bringing the kids home since 2 hours turned into 2 hours 45 minutes to be enough} And before nap time was over, and I would have to let her help me.

Here are the pictures before/during/after

BEFOREDSCN3253The east end of the kitchen.  The top cabinets are original to the house, the base cabinets are ply wood put in 2 owners ago.  I plan on replacing them asap.  {Actually ASAMA~ As Soon As Money Allows}  Same with the tile counter tops.  I hate them, the grout is always in need of bleaching and sucks in all the liquid from spills staining quickly.DSCN3252Looking right into the kitchen from the sitting room, my bedroom is to the right, you can see the crib used by all the kids in the corner of the room.  {yes I realize she is 3 and sleeping in a crib, but she does not care, never has asked for a new bed, is proud of it showing guests her bed… no rush to get her a toddler bed only to go get a big girl bed soon after.  Most of my kids stayed in the crib forever.}DSCN3254The chalk board paint stayed on the end wall, behind the curtain is my messy laundry room.  I envy the people who have a basement our “basement” space is 8×11 laundry/pantry/creative memories storage/deep freezer/game closet.  It is a mess I will not reveal.


DSCN3263Paint done, tape offDSCN3261As I started painting it was much lighter than anticipated, the man at Lowes assured me that it would darken up, thankfully it did!  I told the kids I felt like I was in an aquarium, which lead to J and E playing aquarium.  {I do not actually know what it means, they were happily playing but they were all playing nicely with out fighting}


DSCN3288Almost finished, I used some of the things I had up there before, and I gathered things from around my house.  My mom was over and I said “what I need is a cow about 8/9 inches tall for next to the basket of lemons.  She replied “I have a cow, I’ll go get it”  she took O and came back with a cow and a pig.  The cow worked.  Still looking for something for the left corner.  I was thinking tall and black but don’t know what yet.  Ellen suggested a bird cage.  I don’t want a lantern so I might go bird cage.  Any suggestions?DSCN3298Again looking into the kitchen from the sitting room.DSCN3296A fresh clean first grader and a bright turquoise kitchen that looks very blue in the picture.DSCN3300The plates that 4 of them made in kindergarten.DSCN3287Art work by my kids, I have more “food art”  I will be hanging up soon.  Looking into the area headed to the family room.  The windows are original to the house, that area was outside and we left the windows when closing in that area, the boys and guests like to climb through the window.  it is fun.

DSCN3268This is probably the most accurate color of the room, a dark turquoise.

I love it


How did Keith like it you ask?
Thanks for asking.
He is not a fan.
Too bright.
Too turquoise.
Too much
He wanted to know if that was the color I wanted, and if I liked it.
He does not dislike it enough to repaint it a different color.
I’m okay with his opinion.  I spend more time in the kitchen than he does, as long as he is willing to keep washing dishes with that color I am good with his opinion.

I had another idea I wanted to try before Keith got home, I needed a power saw.  I stopped at Home Depot on my way to my in-laws to use his saw and they did not have what I needed.  I could not do it so next time Keith leaves I have drawn up plans and will do it.  Can’t wait.

What about you?  How was your weekend?  Any big changes in your house?


P.S.On top of the paint project going on little A got another stomach bug.  She spent Saturday night and all day Sunday sick.  She has finally eaten 3 saltines and had something to drink.  Hopefully it stays down.  We had planned on a beach day {the kids don’t have school today}.  But a day in the sun, sand, surf would not be fun for her or me.

P.S. 2 stomach bug still going strong crackers fought their way back up.

A Little Paint Project

Happy Friday
Keith and R are camping.
{Which means there is NO WAY this girl is going.  Even the lure of S’mores could not tempt me to leave the comfort of my house, a hotel camping, yes I could do that…}

If you have read the blog for some time, you know that when he travels I like to accomplish a project in the house.  Nothing as grand as the re~do of C’s bathroom.  That was way too hard for me, and took way to long.

Here is a peek at this projectDSCN3243Yellow?DSCN3244More Yellow?DSCN3245I have this sudden love for Yellow?DSCN3246Blue?DSCN3247The finalists.

Come back Monday and see what happens.

Enjoy your weekend, and spend some time having fun with someone you love.

Some More Random…

Here are some of the random things happening at our house this week.

Every morning after we drop the kids off at school, we come home, make breakfast, usually cold cereal for little A, chocolate milk to drink, sometimes we even put milk in her cereal with a smoothie for me.  Not this week, little A has asked for lunch at 8am every day.  I don’t really care, so each morning she has half a peanut butter sandwich, a cookie, a cheese stick and a glass of chocolate milk.  At lunch time she asks for a snack and after school she asks for another snack.  Usually a cheese stick, crackers, with either apples or strawberries.  I don’t care that she wants lunch at 8am I just think it is weird.  She is not a college student eating leftover cold pizza on her way to class, she is 3, our big plans are coloring, playing doll house, riding her trike in the house.

R and Keith are going camping this weekend.  They are going with the RISE science class.  {This is an advanced Science class, my R loves it}  This is the second camping trip the class has made, last year it was terrible weather, they ended up going to a hotel for most of the trip because it was so bad.}  This time there is no rain predicted, the weather is not too hot, but still cool enough to enjoy the camping, if you are into camping that is.  For his birthday R got a sleeping bag,now we only needed a tent and a sleeping bag for Keith.  O offered hers, a pink camo, J offered his a short green camo with bugs on it, not to be left out E offered her pink woodland sleeping bag.  He refused them all.  He is a spoil sport.  I put out a request on Facebook for a tent and then sleeping bag, a friend offered up both of hers for him to use.  So thankful for MT and the sleeping stuff and DF for the extra tent!  {I think Keith was hoping that we could not get them and he would not be able to go camping.  What luck!}

The best random thing of the week.  Today is little A’s ballet class,  I showered and dressed with time to spare {if you know me this is shocking}  After my shower I grabbed a long sleeve shirt, getting ready to leave I realized it was just going to be too hot to wear a long sleeve shirt today. Little A was dressed in her ballet leo, and her tutu, shoes were in her hand.  I grabbed a sleeveless shirt off the clothes drying rack, went to be sure the back door was locked, walked towards the front of the house holding the shirt I was going to put on, got about 30 feet from the 15 windowed door, and realized that a Jehovah witness 2 of them, were standing close enough to see in my house, to see me with no shirt on.  Yup they got an eye full.  As I pulled the shirt on, opened the door he chuckled, I looked him straight in the face and said I’m not interested, and shut the door.  Set the alarm and grabbed the little one to go to ballet, she decided to converse with him and his walking mate as we went to the van I wanted nothing more than to get away from the man who saw me topless.  Oh well, I am sure when they go back to the lodge to compare notes on their day they will all have a funny laugh about it.

What about you did you scare off someone at your door?  Do you enjoy a peanut butter sandwich at 8am?  Or are you going camping.  I went once and learned my lesson I don’t like dirt, I am terrified a bug will get in my ear, which thanks to my favorite Science teacher, and Sunday School teacher I now know is more possible than when I wrote about it last time.

Go hug your kids, they need your love